אסף קי דר ● מרחבים לשחרור וצמיחה ● פסיכותרפיה ומיינדפולנס
רקע אקדמי
2010 ד"ר במדע המדינה, אוניברסיטת קליפורניה-ברקלי, ארה"ב
2005 מ"א במדע המדינה, אוניברסיטת קליפורניה-ברקלי, ארה"ב
2001-04 לימודים במסלול הישיר לדוקטורט, מדע המדינה, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
2001 ב"א במדע המדינה, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
השכלה אקדמית
היסטוריה של הרעיונות, תיאוריה פוליטית, היסטוריה ופילוסופיה של מדעי החברה ושל פסיכותרפיה, פמיניזם, תיאוריה ביקורתית, תיאוריה פסיכואנליטית, פסיכולוגיה סומטית, מיינדפולנס, בודהיזם
תחומי התמחות וענין
עמית הוראה, מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים, 2012-16
עמית הוראה, אוניברסיטת ת"א, 2014
עורך מדעי, כתב העת גילוי דעת, מכללת סמינר הקיבוצים, 2014-15
מתרגם ועורך מדעי, עברית/אנגלית (פרילאנס), 2011-13
פוסט-דוקטורנט "ליידי דיוויס", האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, 2010-11
עוזר הוראה, אוניברסיטת קליפורניה-ברקלי, 2006-07, 2008-09
עוזר הוראה, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, 2001-03
תעסוקה אקדמית
מחקר ופרסומים
מאמרים בכתבי עת מדעיים, עם שיפוט
“National Socialism Before Nazism: From Friedrich Naumann to the ‘Ideas of 1914’.” History of Political Thought 34(2), 2013, 324-349.
“Max Weber, Friedrich Naumann, and the Nationalization of Socialism.” History of Political Thought 31(1), 2010, 129-154.
“Concept Formation in Political Science: An Anti-Naturalist Critique of Qualitative Methodology.” (with Mark Bevir). Perspectives on Politics 6(3), 2008, 503-517.
“Ideal Types as Hermeneutic Concepts.” Journal of the Philosophy of History 1(3), 2007, 318-45.
פרסומים ללא שיפוט
Book review of Fritz Ringer, Max Weber: An Intellectual Biography, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39(3), 2009.
“Fascism.” Encyclopedia of Political Theory, ed. M. Bevir. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2010.
“Ideal Type.” Encyclopedia of Political Theory, ed. M. Bevir. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2010.
“Historical Understanding.” (with Mark Bevir). Encyclopedia of Political Theory, ed. M. Bevir. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2010.
“Translation.” Encyclopedia of Governance, ed. M. Bevir. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2007.
“Historicism [addendum].” Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition, ed. D. M. Borchert. Detroit: Macmillan, 2005.
פרסים ומלגות
Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellowship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2010-11
Kreitman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, 2010-11 (declined)
Nominee of the UC Berkeley Political Science Department for the Leo Strauss Award (for best dissertation in political philosophy) of the American Political Science Association, 2010
Mark Rozance Memorial Dissertation Award (for dissertations in the history of political thought), Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley, 2010
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting Travel Grant, 2010
Dissertation Finishing Fellowship, Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley, 2009-10
Nominee of the UC Berkeley Political Science Department for the Chancellor’s Dissertation-Year Fellowship, UC Berkeley (one nominee selected per year), 2009
Conference Travel Grant, Graduate Division, UC Berkeley, 2009
Dissertation Fellowship, Institute of European Studies (IES), UC Berkeley, 2007-08
Dean’s Normative Time Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 2007-08
Peter H. Odegard Award for outstanding achievement as a doctoral candidate, Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley, 2007
Pre-dissertation Fellowship, Institute of European Studies (IES), UC Berkeley, 2007
Regents Intern Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 2004-06
Fulbright Grant (for graduate study in the US), 2004-06
3-year Ph.D. Scholarship, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hebrew University, 2003-04 (declined 2 years)
Rector’s Award, Hebrew University, 2001-03
Fellowship, Gilo Center for Citizenship, Democracy and Civic Education, Hebrew University, 2002-03
Summer Scholarship, Department of Political Science, Hebrew University, 2003
Scholarship for intensive German summer course at the University of Vienna, awarded by the Center for Austrian Studies, Hebrew University, 2003
Summer Fellowship, Gilo Center for Citizenship, Democracy and Civic Education, Hebrew University, 2002
Department of Political Science Scholarship, Hebrew University, 2001-02
Department of Political Science Award, Hebrew University, 2000
Dean’s Award, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hebrew University, 1998-99
Dean’s List, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hebrew University, 1997-2001
כנסים והרצאות
“A Marcusean Theory of Antisemitism.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 2010
“Max Weber, Friedrich Naumann, and the Nationalization of Socialism.” Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, 2009
“The Ideal Type as a Hermeneutic Strategy: Concept Formation for Cultural Analysis.” American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2007
“Concept Formation in Political Science: An Interpretive Critique of Qualitative Methodology.” (with Mark Bevir). Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2006
“Ideal Types as Hermeneutical Concepts.” Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Oakland, 2005
“The Synthesis of Ideal-Typical and Hermeneutical Analysis as a Methodological Strategy for the Study of Ideologies.” Joint Sessions of Workshops of the European Consortium for Political Research, Uppsala, Sweden, 2004
“Nationalism and Political Existentialism in Nineteenth-Century Germany: From Fichte to Weber.” Departmental Research Workshop, History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 2011
“The Birth of a National Socialism in Nineteenth-Century Germany: A Genealogy.” Jerusalem Seminar in the History of Political Thought, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 2011
“National Socialism Before Nazism: From Nation-Building to National Ruin,” Nov. 2010:
Departmental Seminar, Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Departmental Seminar, Politics & Government, Ben-Gurion University
“Friedrich Naumann’s National Socialism, 1895-1903.” Political Theory Workshop, UC Berkeley, 2008
“Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the Concept and its Relation to his Concept of the Political.” Annual Berkeley Political Science Graduate Student Conference, UC Berkeley, 2007
“The Concept of Sovereignty in the Abbé Sieyes’ What Is the Third Estate?” Annual Berkeley Political Science Graduate Student Conference, UC Berkeley, 2005
“A Metacultural Project for Europe.” Californian Graduate Student Conference on the European Union, UCLA, 2005